Welcome to TheyLied.info

Here, we examine the behaviour of our governments - whether it be illegal, amoral, deceitful or outright corruption.
"The most terrifying words
in the English language are:
I'm from the government
and I'm here to help."
~ Ronald Reagan

"There is NO democracy."
Aspirations of leaders
in the WEST are NO
different to the EAST
March 31, 2024
"It's ridiculous to suggest that we have meaningful democracy via the ballot box when all the choices are the same choice. As Henry Ford once said about the cars he was offering: 'you can have any colour you want, as long as it's black.' Conservative, Labour, Liberal, SNP - take your pick - all the same, all committed to telling the rest of us what to do while themselves getting fat on the proceeds of doing what their paymasters tell them. Their masters being: the banks; the corporations; the NGOs [Non-Governmental Organizations]; and the intelligence agencies of the so-called West."

When the government says something,
is it true

TheyLied.info serves as a trustworthy hub for critical analysis and honest inquiry regarding the behaviour of our governments - whether it be illegal, amoral, deceitful or outright corruption.

At TheyLied.info, we believe in the power of knowledge, transparency, and collective action. Please join us as we navigate the complexities of our world and seek the truth behind the narratives shaping our world.

"If you want to know about governments,
all you need to know is two words:
Governments lie."
~ I. F. Stone

It's not our fault
that we believed the lies

Have you begun to wonder about what is really happening in the world today?

We are each unique and we have become aware of different emerging facts at our own pace. But, once awakened to truths, we share similar emotions: disbelief; skepticism; and anger. Followed by a thirst to understand and a resolve to push back and hold the perpetrators accountable.

The lies are used to keep us confused from what is true. This creates division that gets us arguing, or fighting, with each other. Throughout history, divide and conquer has been used to divide and control the masses.

We can help each other
if we work together

"It's easier to fool people
than to convince them
that they have been fooled."
~ attributed to Mark Twain

No one likes to feel that they were manipulated or fooled. It is normal to feel mixed emotions as you begin to pull on the thread of truth, but if you continue, you will soon feel free in the knowledge of the truth.

We know that human creativity, ingenuity and innate knowledge will prevail. We have the power within us to take our destiny into our own hands and move towards a better future. All of us need to help shape the future we want to live in. But, what do we need to know and do to achieve this? How do we create a truly inclusive, equitable, resilient and sustainable world going forward? What can we as individuals do to keep our government, our employers and ourselves accountable in this crucial time period?

"The truth is incontrovertible.
Malice may attack it,
ignorance may deride it,
but in the end, there it is."
~ Winston S. Churchill

Please explore our diverse sections and stay informed with our curated collection of books & documentaries. Peruse our news sources that prioritize trust and accuracy and subscribe to our newsletter.

We ask that you make up your own mind on each issue. Critically examine the information contained herein. Examine each issue closely, considering the content, intent, and validity of all the information. Do your own research with an open mind and a healthy degree of skepticism.

Finally, we have some suggestions on how you can Spread Awareness and Take Action. And if you are a curious and inquisitive person, we invite you to visit our other sites and take a Deep Dive on other topics.

Welcome aboard!

"Anyone who doesn't
take truth seriously
in small matters
cannot be trusted
in large ones either."
~ Albert Einstein

Neil Oliver asks
Why do they keep lying?
March 27, 2024
"Surely, we're meant to see the cracks in the picture, the flaws, the glaring dishonesty that our noses are being rubbed in. And, if the obvious lying, the inept lying is just to preoccupy us and get us talking, what is it that we're not looking at while that's going on? And it's increasingly obvious, or it seems to me, to be increasingly obvious that the liars just can't stop lying. They're lying for the sake of it, even when there's no need to lie. It feels like they must still go out of their way to come up with new things, just for the purpose of lying about them."



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"The truth is like a lion;
you don't have to defend it.
Let it loose;
it will defend itself
~ Saint Augustine
(philosopher, theologian, and bishop)



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